Olivier is a French entrepreneur who created NetCentrex, a supplier of advanced VoIP solutions for network operators, in the nineties. His business leadership, technical innovation and market vision allowed him to set up and guide the company through global expansion, becoming a main leader in next generation telecommunication solutions. Oliver sold the company in 2006 to the Comverse group. In 2010, he founded Actility, a company proposing solutions in the Internet of Things (IoT) and Smart Grid business field. As an active participant in the early ETSI-M2M OneM2M international standard working groups related to defining Internet of Things standard architectures, Mr. Hersent is a recognized leader in the telecom industry. He is a frequent speaker at industry events and is a published author of the “The Internet of Things: Key Applications and Protocols”: http://www.amazon.fr/The-Internet-Things-Applications-Protocols/dp/1119994357. In 2011, Mr. Hersent became Watteco’s CEO, leader in IP v6 technologies for the IoT (6LowPAN).